Project Description
Robinson Consultants Inc. was retained by the City of Ottawa to complete the preliminary design, detail design, tendering, and contract administration and inspection for the integrated reconstruction of Bronson Avenue, from Laurier Avenue to Imperial Avenue. The project included full reconstruction of the major 4-lane urban arterial facility and upgraded pedestrian facilities.
Given the historic nature of the corridor, aging, and inadequate underground services, large diameter transmission main, local watermains, and combined sewers required replacement. The project included 1.2km of road, 1km of 900mm watermain, 1.2km of 400mm watermain, and 1.2km of combined sewer ranging in size from 375-1200mm. Hydraulic modeling was carried out for portions of the combined sewer upgrades identified in the City's O'Connor Flood Control Implementation Study to be constructed within the Bronson Avenue Corridor to mitigate historic flooding issues in the area.
During the preliminary design phase of the project, Robinson Consultants Inc. worked with the design team on the O’Connor Flood Control Trunk Level Measures Design Report to optimize the original recommendations for trunk sewer upgrades between McLeod Street and Clemow Avenue. The project also included transportation analysis, lane reduction review, and design modifications to address utility costs.
Given the size of the proposed infrastructure, as well as the presence of significant underground utilities (Bell and Hydro), Robinson Consultants Inc. carried out a complete three-dimensional analysis of the narrow right -of-way to establish sewer and watermain corridors. This limited the conflicts that may have required utility relocations (at substantial cost), while maintaining required separations. As Bronson Avenue is a designated scenic entry route to the City and Traditional Mainstreet, significant public consultation efforts were undertaken through the development of the preliminary and detail design, with a focus on improved liveability of the highly constrained Bronson Avenue Corridor.