For more information
Please contact
Lorne Franklin, L.E.T, C.E.T., rcca, CISEC
Eldon Hutchings
Municipal Drains Engineering Solutions
Municipal drains have been a fixture of Ontario's rural infrastructure since the 19th century and are vital components of our water and drainage systems. Without them, many areas of the province would be subjected to regular flooding, damage to crops, and increased public health risks.
Municipal drains are created under the authority of the Drainage Act. Under the Drainage Act, an engineer is customarily called upon to "act" for the purpose of preparing a report for a municipal drain. Municipal drains are initiated by a Petition from landowners. New Reports may also be indicated by Municipal Council for repair or improvement of an existing municipal drain or to update the report to accommodate a change in land use. The report of an Engineer is also required to "abandon" a section of drain when it is no longer required.
What We Provide
Our Drainage Engineers have considerable experience preparing Engineer's Reports in accordance with the Drainage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. D.17, having completed over 150 municipal drain projects under the Act.
Robinson Consultants offers a range of comprehensive municipal drainage engineering services including:
- Preparation of Engineering Reports
- Drainage Assessment
- Drainage Allowance
- Emergency Work
- Petition Drains
- Compliance with Drainage Act
- Drainage Superintendent Services