Project Description
The Chenier-Jeaurond Municipal Drain is a new drain, petitioned by local property owners Under Section 4 of the Ontario Drainage Act, R.S.O., 1990. Property owners were concerned that the existing watercourse comprised of an Award Drain (constructed in the late 1800s under a predecessor to the Drainage Act), private ditches, and natural wet areas did not provide sufficient outlet to protect crops during the growing season. Improvement and incorporation as a municipal drain was required to accommodate modern agricultural practices and allow for sufficient outlet and future maintenance.
The Township of North Glengarry appointed Robinson Consultants Inc. under Section 8 of the Ontario Drainage Act, R.S.O. 1990, as the Drainage Engineer to prepare a report for the future construction of the Chenier-Jeaurond Municipal Drain.
Design included the deepening and widening of the existing watercourse, incorporation as a municipal drain and establishing permanent sediment and erosion control features. Provisions were made for private farm crossings that accommodated modern farming equipment and sufficient outlet for surface and subsurface (tile) drainage. Special consideration was given to address the concerns of environmental agencies including the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Raisin Region Conservation Authority, and the Ministry of Natural Resources.